Friday, December 10, 2010

Back on the Scene

Well, once again it is on. With my new assignment in Greenwood/Belzoni, MS, I am going to make the effort to be engaged with the community and congregation via the internet. I pray that you will be blessed and we can have a candid discussion about practical Christianity in the world we find ourselves. I welcome all feedback and look forward to dealing with the real issue facing those who seek to see Jesus when He returns for his bride.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Random Thoughts

It's been a while since I posted. You know you start out with big dreams, thinking that you will be able to post daily and become this world famous blogger...jk. Anyway, I am pleased to have Barack Obama as our President-elect. I pray that God will give him wisdom in his governance and protection for he and his family.

Many have been saying that this is the end of racism in America and that there is no more need for Affirmative Action. I do not agree. I will see it as an end to racism when there is a 100% black American, who went to Howard, instead of Harvard, elected. No disrespect to President Obama, but one of the reasons that he had the support of white liberals is because he is half white and had a white liberal mother.

President Obama's story is amazing and only possible in the U.S., but I'll see a racism-free America when whites don't have a link to the man/woman running. When they support a "brother" or "sister" who doesn't have roots in Kansas or Hawaii. Let me see them throw their support behind someone from the 9th Ward in New Orleans, Crooklyn, Birmingham, or Compton. When that happens, we will truly have a racism free America. I hope to see that in my lifetime.

That's My 2 Lincolnstm

Pastor J

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Is it just me...

or are the kids today both stronger and weaker than 20 years ago?

I pose this question because I recognize that kids nowadays learn a lot more a lot earlier than we did. Technological advances has made knowledge, both good and evil, more accessable to anyone who wants to know.

However, this new generation of teens have no idea how to handle stress. There are exceptions, usually those who participate in organized sport, but even those are not nearly as prepared to deal with real life as those who were teenagers 20-30 years ago. I place the blame on parents and government.

Parents need to begin early teaching the children life skills. This does not mean giving a 2 year old a choice between Cherrios and Lucky Charms. As a parent it is your responsibility to make sure they eat healthy, but you need to give them responsibilities and allow them to reap the consquences of their actions as soon as they are able to make intelligent decisions.

Government plays a role, in that they have gone too far in regulating how children should be raised. I realize that most of the rules are on the books to protect children from abusive situations, however, it handcuffs reasonable parents from exercising their rights to properly raise their children.

That is My Two Lincolnstm

Pastor J