Friday, September 21, 2007

Random Thoughts

Greetings Fam!

I have no specific topic to rant about today. I had a decent week, except a bug tried to make me sick. This week at Andrews University was Spiritual Emphasis Week and the guest speaker was Jose Rojas. I attended the required chapel on Tuesday and then my wife and I went out to the meeting tonight.

For those who don't know, I rarely even visit Pioneer Memorial Church (the campus church for Andrews). Much like the Oakwood College Church, PMC is this temple that, in principle, has been dedicated to God, but in practice is an exercise in all that is "good and Adventist". I purposely refrain from the regular worship service because they have the "holy" service that is quiet and serene, and caters to old white people who believe that when they get to heaven, they will float around on clouds with their little harps and just glow like little cherubim throughout all eternity.

I choose not to worship like that, because I don't worship a quiet and serene Lord. I serve a Lord of action and noise. Read your Bibles and you'll see the heavenly worship scene in Revelation 4 as one with movement, shouting, and singing. But is not why I brought it up.

I am bringing this up because Pastor Rojas made a couple of profound statements at the beginning of his message tonight. He spoke about the ugly history of the U.S. and though he does not mention the Jena 6 specifically, I have to believe that it played a role in him bringing it up. He talked about the injustice that "minorities" have suffered and how he still gets pulled over because he "looks Mexican" and is required to prove his citizenship.

Then he told all the Blacks, Mexicans, and others that we need to get over the past and move on with the present and future. And while he was speaking as a minority, it seemed to me to be politically motivated. It is true that minorities do not need to blame their every downfall on "the man", however, it is difficult to move on and get over the past injustice, when we are constantly faced with new injustices, like the response to Katrina, Jena 6, and countless daily examples of prejudice and racial profiling that we encounter in the U.S.

Rojas made a good point that if we hold on to the anger and resentment, it will only cause us to be stuck and not be able to move forward. So tonight I am releasing the hurt and pain caused by past injustice. I forgive those who have mistreated me due to their ignorance. This forgiveness is unconditional. I will love my enemies, as Jesus loves those of us who constantly hurt Him through our sinning, the biggest sinner being me!

However, this will not stop my pursuit of justice and equality. Over the last few weeks, God has been working with me. I asked Him help me focus my ministry, so that I could hone my skills and be the best minister I can be for Him. I have recognized that my focus is threefold - the use of technology in ministry, urban outreach and social gospel ministry, and music ministry.

Now that I have my focus, I will strive to help those who are in ministry, and need to expand their ministry, through the use of the many technological means. I will also cater my messages to focus on reaching the lost. Unfortunately we have many lost within the walls of our church. I will begin there and then reach out to the world. Finally, I am going to be very serious and calculating in completing my album. The Lord has blessed me with the gift of singing and I begin the project with new vigor this coming week as I will travel to record with a producer.

My prayer is that each of us will recognize that time is too short to keep playing church and doing things the way they have been done in the past. We need to access the power God has for us. Rojas' theme tonight was faithfulness. He recounted for us the story of Joseph and how Joseph was faithful, first to God and then to he earthly masters. And because Joseph was faithful, God blessed not only him, but also everything he put his hand to do. What a powerful testimony!

We all need to strive to this level of faithfulness. I am asking God to allow everything I touch to be blessed. My goal is to be a blessing to all I come in contact with, in some form or another. I challenge you to join me in venture. If there is anyway I can be a blessing to you, please let me know. Silver and gold, I may not have, but what God gives me, I will share with you. It may be a word of encouragement or a discount on some of our services (shameless plug for Truly Blessed Communications), but however I can, even if it is simply praying for you, I will. Peace & Blessings!

Pastor J

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