Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Welcome (Read Before Any Other Post)


I al so pleased that you decided to check out my blog. I am new to this, but someone suggested I start this blog to get my message across.

With this posting, I want to qualify my subsequent posts. I am a minister in the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church and I am currently working on my Master of Divinity at the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University. I am of mixed ethnic background (black with between 1/4 to 3/8 mix of white), however I was raised in a primarily African American experience in Pensacola, FL.

I dealt quite a bit of racism in my youth, but I was able to get an expanded worldview during my almost 9 years in the U.S. Army. However, I am very sensitive to racial matters, particularly when situations are not being addressed.

Also, I am not the typical SDA, by any stretch of the imagination. I enjoy fellowshipping with Christians of other denominations. I am heavily involved in the Urban Gospel movement and I have a passion for youth and urban ministry. My military experience has helped to shape my thinking towards ministry. I apply many of the military principles to my ministry.

I feel that the best way to deal with issues (social & religious) in a direct manner. I have issues with hypocrisy in the church. I tend to speak my mind (with a filter) whenever I see injustice and hypocrisy. I take issue with many so called conservative Christians (especially withing the SDA Church) that suppress those who are culturally different then they and try to do away with ideas and methods that are not to their preference. This is especially disturbing when they are engaged in practices that blatantly go against biblical principles.

I want to make this disclaimer: I am not one to claim flawlessness or pristine piety. I don't have a past that is without skeletons and a number of bad behaviors. My present is not spotless either, but God is working on me. I don't claim to be totally correct on every subject, however, I will not purposely lie and if I find out I am wrong about something, I will gladly admit my mistake and try to correct it.

That being said, I hope to bring to light some things that I have observed and hope to correct. I will be dealing with a number of issues such as racism, music, news, etc. I welcome feedback and if you have something that you would like to comment on, you can email me at Check out our websites:

Truly Blessed Communications
WTBC Radio

Thanks for stopping through. Peace & Blessings!

Pastor J


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor J

All the best in your studies, keep the radical that you are in college. Its when good men keep silent that nonsense is allowed to continue in the church

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.